Extrem Borr & Sågteknik AB


Extrem borr & sågteknik AB arbetar med vajer- och klingsågning, nibblerskärning, kompaktering, klippning, borrning och fräsning i extrema och känsliga miljöer. Vi erbjuder totallösningar men även uthyrning / försäljning av maskiner samt konsultering av arbetsmetoder.

What we do

Extrem borr & sågteknik AB is a company focused on segmentation. drilling, sawing, cutting, milling and compacting in extreme environments. We have great experience of sensitive and radiological work towards e.g. nuclear power industry in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Spain. The work is done both above and below water and goes under the concept of cold work.


Check out our video bank with completed work. Wire and tack saw, nibblers cutting, compaction, cutting, drilling and milling. Click on the link below

Total Solutions

Vi erbjuder totallösningar, men även uthyrning / försäljning av maskiner samt konsultering av arbetsmetoder.


30 years of drilling, sawing, cutting, milling and compacting experience in extreme environments make us the first choice for many of the largest players in Europe.


We have drilled, sawn, cut, milled and compacted in extreme environments throughout Europe with contract times from one day to three years. No job is too big or too complex for EBS.

Extrem Borr & Sågteknik AB

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